Dominick Das Neves
Welcome to my site
I like making stuff and putting it on the internet
Its a heading
This is a paragraph, its pretty cool... There isn't much more to see here I'm afraid
Still nothing to see here, this text means absolutely nothing.
Okay you can leave now. Still nothing to see its just placeholder text.
There is no projects because this was a tutorial and I haven't made stuff yet.
still nothing to see unfortunately.
This is some more placeholder text.
Nothing unfortunately, not very talented.
I mean I finished this tutorial so thats something.
I'm also busy with a game using canvas and vanilla js its super simple but I guess that's something
Work history
I stole this from the tutorial but thought it was funny.
Taco Bell
Some more placeholder text, I know its crazy
Burger King
Burger King kind of sucks, hope I'm not the only one who thinks that.
Thanks for checking out my first site made using three.js!